Thursday, March 7, 2013

Books and Sunglasses

This girl loves her sunglasses. She has a very weird sense of style sometimes, but I guess that is what Mom is for. I teach about sharing, cleaning, praying, being kind, and matching clothes, among other things. She tells me she can't see without these glasses.

She also loves books. We went to the library to get some new books and she picked out a good amount. Upon checking them out the librarian said my fine was over $5 so I couldn't check out any books. Of course I didn't have cash on me. I asked if we could get at least one for Daphne since she was so excited. She said no. Needless to say Daphne was balling when we left the library. Poor girl. Reading to her is so nice most of the time. It reminds me how young she really is.

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