Yeah, it has been sometime since we have posted...woops. Blogging is kind of like journal writing. You want to do it and you know what you should/want to write about, but when you don't for whatever reason, it is overwhelming to catch up and so you avoid it for a while. The good news is I finally got journal writing down! Here are some random pictures/info from what Kelly and I have been up to.

Even though we aren't parents, Kelly made me a mother's day meal and such. It was very sweet. I thoroughly enjoyed having Kelly cook b/c I learned how he likes to prepare food. Normally, we cook together or I cook (I like to and I have no job).

Our family picture with our cat, Greycoat or the Coat, or Coto. She kept me company while Kelly was deployed. Kelly insisted on putting this picture in our ward directory, so people probably think we are obsessed with our cat...It was more funny to us than anyone else, probably.

My lovely sistas. Hot stuff. Meesa, Kalli, Me, Carrie, Cami, and little Cora in the womb.

The Hakes' siblings-we'll get Chris next time. :)

Almost the whole gang. I love how Julia is looking at Dad's (Grampa's) facial expression and not the camera, which is what he was trying to get the kids to do.

Kelly's two nieces-a very tired Lucy and a cute Ginny. I like Karl's (Kelly's dad's) smile in this photo.

Our lovely lilies are blooming! Now if I could just get our tomato plant to do something. I don't think our little balcony gets enough sun.

We got back from Colorado Springs last Thursday. Kelly did the altitude chamber for work, and I got to hang out and finally tour the AF Academy. This is us at Garden of the Gods-so beautiful. It was cold and rainy most of the week, but such a beautiful city! I got to see the dining hall that I learned about at BYU in my Foodservice Management class. I also got to meet some of Kelly's friends form the Academy.
Wooh, that was a lot of info! One last thing is that I passed my registered dietitian exam the end of May! Now I will hopefully get a REAL job. It has been so nice to have the time to hang out with Kelly. He starts with a new squadron in a couple weeks which means he will have irregular work hours, but the job should be more interesting.
This is Kelly and I sliding down the mountain we hiked in the Alps of Grindelwald, Switzerland. It was steep and slippery, so we improvised.
Yeah! I'm so glad you finally posted. I love all your pictures. Where did you get the family pictures? I want some! And by the way, I think you guys are a bit obsessed with Greycoat!
Cassie, You've had some awesome stuff going on lately! I am so excited for you that you passed the exam. It's nice to hear about girls from our class that have been able to make it all the way. I'm glad Kelly is officially back with you. It's the best ever when you're together.
Thanks for the 'single' mention shash. That picture of you guys with greycoat is hilarious!
I said you were single for positive reasons, not to rub it in the face that you are single. I thought you'd be flattered, but I guess I could see how that would come off. Sorry Bear!
OK...Kelly was so sweet to load all of the family pictures his brother and Kaitlin took at the Memorial Day in LC, but guys, I don't know what to do next! They are so great, but how do I get them to YOU???
you guys look like you have so much fun!! you get to go to all kinds of fun places! i love the picture of you and all your all are so pretty :) and i thought the cat thing in the ward directory was SO funny!! haha!
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