March is long, but it seemed to fly by! Here are some March highlights:
- Practice, Practice, Practice! Our temple district is preparing for the ATL temple re-dedication on May 1st and President Monson has asked the youth to present a cultural celebration of dancing and singing. As a result, my YW presidency and I have taken the HUGE task to lead our YW in learning a "cheer" dance. Luckily we have help from other wards! It has been a mixture of crazy and fun. It is hard work, but I have seen girls bond with each other who otherwise would not-this is where I feel the prophet was inspired. We have become more unified in our ward as a result. It is difficult to feel close to each other when your ward covers FIVE different counties. Here is the link to what we are doing, if you care enough to look. :)
- Kelly and I decided to get our money's worth with our great babysitters and go out DURING the day while Daphne was AWAKE. It was SOO fun. We leisurely shopped, ate, and worked out. I think Daphne enjoyed being in the company of someone other than her mom and dad for a change.
- Daphne and I have been enjoying the nice weather. We've met some friends at the park a few times.

Sia and Daph

Love this thing

This is what greycoat does...
- I re-organized my crazy Office closet. I use it all the time and it was getting on my nerves. I guess that's what you work on when you have a new house, re-organizing closets. Ha ha. We did hang an additional shelf. It was more work than I anticipated, but I really like it now. Kelly is preparing to build a dining room table for us.

Before + a little mess

- We visited Karl and Janelle at the ATL airport. They were on their way to visit Kelly's brother and wife in London and had a 4 hour layover. It was SO fun to see them. We ate some good southern food and hung out till they had to leave. The older Daphne gets, the harder it will be to live away from grandparents-so this was a treat.

Grandma and Daph

- Daphne turned 9 months old on the 29th. She has 4 teeth and likes to chew on EVERYTHING, including me (and I'm still nursing). I truly find it amusing to watch her discover the world; everything is so interesting to her. Her favorite things are greycoat (she will crawl long distances to get the cat, but the cat is much faster), the vacuum, the broom, trash cans, and shoes...unfortunately all gross objects. I was wondering when she would discover Greycoat's didn't take long. She likes that and the rocks in the fireplace, so we've made some adjustments to our home! At this point, she'll eat anything I give her, so I'm bringing on the vegetables and introducing all age-appropriate foods, including ones I don't really like. I love being her momma. Sometimes the two of us just laugh on the floor for no reason.

Holding hands w friend, Caroline (10 days apart)

Happy 9 months!

Just "helping" mom with the dishes

waiting outside Grey's room
- KALLI ANNA returned from Yekaterinburg Russia! YAY! I wish I could be home. I have called my mom everyday to see what they are doing...silly. She was an amazing missionary. I am so glad she is home now. Mom said Carrie keeps looking at her and saying "sorry if I'm staring, I just can't believe your home." Ah, Birday.
- The conflict in Libya. This affected Kelly's work for a weekend, and maybe it will later. I am amazed by the willingness of the armed forces to go over and do whatever is asked of them. It's very respectable. I just hope what they are being asked to do is worth it.
- The earthquake in Japan. What a horrible disaster. I feel bad, but the most immediate effect it has taken on my life is that World Championship Figure Skating has been postponed or cancelled (TBD).
What a month-till April then!