With Kelly's new haircut, he is ready for Afghanistan. This was right before we said good-bye. It was hard.
He will update us all when he arrives in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. This is his itinerary: Leave Tues, the 9th at 12 noon from Fort Dix, NJ on a bus to Norfolk, VA. Arrive that evening and take a charterd airliner at 3am to Kyrgyzstan. Three stops along the way include Canada, Iceland, and Hungary. He will have to stay on the plane. He thinks he may arrive in the middle east (Kyrgyzstan) on September 11th. Ironic, we know. Then he will travel into Bagram air field in Afghanistan on an Air Force plane. Then he will make his way over to Jalalabad, which is the northeast portion of Afghanistan. We will try to post a map. Good luck Lieutenant Wood!